Rating: 💋 💋 💋
As my brother's visit winds to an end, I have to say we have had a really great week. The weather has mostly been beautiful, we have eaten a lot of great food between my parent's culinary skills and Conor's wish to explore how our town is handling takeout, and Conor is just as charming as ever. After dinner on his first night, I found him and my dad in the powder room, assessing the washing machine to determine whether or not I could fit in it. They decided I could. Conor's defense against my outrage was, "It's not our fault that the washing machine is a Mary Kate-sized oven!"
Some things just do not change.
That aside, sometimes eating well does not have to mean eating super gourmet all the time. Conor talked about how what he really wanted was a good slice of pizza because that is hard for him to find in his city. In that same vein of simplicity, my parents tag-teamed to search high and low at various grocery stores for the best hot dogs. Finally, somewhere on the mainland, my dad secured the bag: Dietz & Watson Super Dogs. With our main dish good to go, we planned for a relaxed dinner on Monday night.
In all honesty, I am not really a hot dog enthusiast. They are okay. I remember having to eat boiled hot dogs in my childhood and bleh! I refuse. If it is not grilled, I will not do it. A really good hot dog makes all the difference. I had a sausage sandwich in Munich once and I was like, okay, I can get behind this. If every hot dog tasted like that, I would be a huge fan. That might be a form of snobbery on my end, but the sandwich was cheap, it was just German. I think the game-changer is real meat. Call me ridiculous if you want, but eating rubber does not appeal to me.
Dietz & Watson Super Dogs do appeal to me though. They don't taste like rubber; in fact, they pack a mean flavor punch. That is what it is all about. Slathered with some Grey Poupon Dijon mustard and a squiggle of ketchup, these super dogs take you straight to summer heaven. The rolls we got were a bit too large for the dogs, it is true, but COVID grocery shopping is what it is. A fierce storm rolled in before so dinner so we had to keep our picnic indoors. Alongside our hot dogs we enjoyed tender Jersey corn, sweet watermelon that was dripping sugar-water (Conor refuses to believe watermelon juice is a thing, but I refuse to call it plain water because it is too sweet for that), and deviled eggs. I went for a horseradish egg just to spice things up. To top it all off, my mom made freshly squeezed lemonade last week. I dislike pulp, but this batch had very little and it balanced well on the sour:sweet ratio tightrope. Outside, the wind may have been blowing our porch chairs upside down, the clouds might have looked downright angry, and lightning might have been cracking the sky in two, but inside we had the ideal summer dinner. Conor and I agreed we actually love summer storms. They are exciting yet comforting and they make everything smell so good. I like food with a powerful flavor, and I like a rain with a powerful impact. Drizzle? No, thank you. Tell me how you really feel!
This past week, I had a wonderful experience performing in a Ten Day Monologue Challenge, hosted by the lovely actress and filmmaker, Aleksandra Jade. You can check out my work on my acting website as well as on my youtube channel, if you'd like.
I hope you are all staying cool in this July heat and enjoying some sun. I've got to run now before my brother comes and tosses me into ocean!
All my love!